Sunday, March 25, 2012

Books Online

I have registered to use SQL server 2005 Express Edition. I want to download relevant documentation for books online. The guidance for this is to download the 'SqlServer2k5_BOL_Jul2006.msi' software.

When I initiate this download:-

(1) I get a message from my ISP (I.e AOL) saying the publisher coud not be verified, and asking if I wanted to run this software.
(2) when I press 'run' software is downloaded to a tmp file, and I get the option to install.
(3) On clicking the install button, a Windiws Installer message appears - this states that ' the installation package cannot be opened and suggests contacting the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer Package.

How can I access the BOL software download (s)?



Please try a fresh download from here;

Try again and let us know how you get on.


Barry Andrew|||

You also may want to save the file to your machine and run from there (as opposed to running from the web location), and then delete the original file if you don't want it around.

Sam Lester (MSFT)


Books Online


I tried your suggestion to

Try a fresh download from here;

Try again and let us know how you get on.

The outcomes were as below

When I initiated the above the download started and completed after which the fowoing occurred :-

(1) I got a message from my ISP (I.e AOL) saying the publisher coud not be verified, and asking if I wanted to run this software.
(2) On clicking the ''run" button, a Windows Installer message appears - this states that ' the installation package cannot be opened and suggests contacting the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer Package.

|||Hi Archie,

Have you tried Samuel's suggestion of;


also may want to save the file to your machine and run from there (as

opposed to running from the web location), and then delete the original

file if you don't want it around."


Hi Sam

I tried your suggestion but the outcome was the same as described in my original posting. Namely:

(1) an openfile security warning stating that the 'publisher was unknown'
followed by
(2) a Windows Installer message stating that ' the installation package cannot be opened and suggesting 'contacting the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer Package'

Have you any other suggestions?

Thank you



Re: Books Online

Mark as correct answer

Hi Barry - see below my reply to Sam Lesters suggestion. My original problem has not been resolved!

Hi Sam

I tried your suggestion but the outcome was the same as described in my original posting. Namely:

(1) an openfile security warning stating that the 'publisher was unknown'
followed by
(2) a Windows Installer message stating that ' the installation package cannot be opened and suggesting 'contacting the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer Package'

Have you any other suggestions?

Thank you


|||Hi Archie...

Ok can you just try to copy the file to another machine and run it there, simply to see what happens?


Barry Andrew|||

Hi Barry

Your suggestion of downloading to another machine has worked. I copied the resulting download to my machine and ran it from there. This worked! I have now got the books online that I wanted.
I have no idea why, but the installation worked- the download was some 120 megabytes, compared with the 84 or so megabytes of the file downloaded directly to my machine!

Thanks for your help


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