Thursday, March 29, 2012

Boolean formatting in report

I have a data source with a column that is a boolean data type. When
I render this data on the report the value of 0 displays as "False"
and 1 displays as "True". I would like 0 to display as "No" and 1 to
display as "Yes". I am assuming I have to set up an IIF statement
that evaluates the value and changes the display based on that. I was
wondering if anyone knew of a better way, such as a Custom Format
value that would be a better route?
Thanks in advance for any assistance!On Sep 20, 2:03 pm, midas <> wrote:
> I have a data source with a column that is a boolean data type. When
> I render this data on the report the value of 0 displays as "False"
> and 1 displays as "True". I would like 0 to display as "No" and 1 to
> display as "Yes". I am assuming I have to set up an IIF statement
> that evaluates the value and changes the display based on that. I was
> wondering if anyone knew of a better way, such as a Custom Format
> value that would be a better route?
> Thanks in advance for any assistance!
The way you mentioned is quick and the effort is negligible.
=iif(Fields!SomeField.Value = True, "Yes", "No") -or- =iif(Fields!
SomeField.Value = 1, "Yes", "No")
You could also try using a case statement in the query/stored
procedure that is sourcing the report.
select case when SomeField = 'True' then 'Yes' else 'No' end as
SomeField, ... from table_x ...
Hope this helps.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultant|||Thanks, I went with the case. I was just trying to be lazy. ;)|||On Sep 21, 2:57 pm, midas <> wrote:
> Thanks, I went with the case. I was just trying to be lazy. ;)
You're welcome. Glad I could be of assistance.
Enrique Martinez
Sr. Software Consultantsql

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