Saturday, February 25, 2012

BLOB fields - questions


Ok, I am pretty new to BLOB's on SQL SERVER 200 so I need some answeres.

1. Can BLOB Fields hold .doc and/or .pdf documents?
2. If yes, can the contents of the documents be searchable.
3. If documents are updated do BLOB Fields lengtht change/grow dynamically?

I would apreciate any answers in this matter and if possible examples were I can get a better idea on how to configure the BLOB fieds on my DB and/or documentation regarding BLOB's.

Thank you, Pepe.I am far from an expert in BLOB fields but here is my understanding of them. If there are any other gurus out there I will follow with interest as it is not something I have had cause to use/do yet.

1. Being Binary Large Objects I believe a BLOB field should be able to hold a pointer to a .doc or .pdf file.

2. I don't think you can search on the BLOB field as it is only a pointer to the actuall file. I seem to remember form somewhere though that you may be able to search them if it is full text indexed. (Don't quote me on that though)

3. As the table only stores a pointer to the BLOB the length of the field doesn't change when the file changes.

Sorry can't supply any examples for using or configuring BLOB fields|||If you want to learn more on this topic check the following link:

Brief tutorial on using text, ntext, and image data types (|||Hi,

I need to upload .doc files to a BLOB field.
Does anyone know a way to do this? I guess I could use plain Insert commands from SQL Query Analyzer. Alternately, I want to use VB.NET to create an interface for the user to upload this .docs and to retrieve them.

Thank you and I would appreciate some examples if possible.

Pepe.|||ok, since you're saying whatever the website shows is not enough, here is what i came up with when i needed something similar to store various types of documents.

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