Friday, February 24, 2012

blank textbox is NOT null ..

This must be a common / sql server problem.
I only want to filter on the date when the filterdate textbox has a
value. Not sure if this is the best approach, but it does not appear to
be working.. I was hoping blank mean no filtering and all qualifying
rows returning
<asp:TextBox ID="DateFilter" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [GEN_RouteInfo_vw] WHERE plancode =
@.plancode and RouteCode=@.RouteCode and CountryId=@.CountryId and
startdate <= IsNull(cast(@.DateFilter as datetime),cast('1/1/2999' as
datetime))and enddate >= IsNull(cast(@.DateFilter as
datetime),cast('1/1/1999' as datetime)) order by StartDate" >
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DateFilter" Name="DateFilter"
PropertyName="Text" Type="Datetime" />
If you are going to dynamically create the SQL statement in you ASP then you
can omit the clause completely if no value is entered. If you are going to
use a stored procedure then check out and
"jobs" wrote:

> This must be a common / sql server problem.
> I only want to filter on the date when the filterdate textbox has a
> value. Not sure if this is the best approach, but it does not appear to
> be working.. I was hoping blank mean no filtering and all qualifying
> rows returning
> <asp:TextBox ID="DateFilter" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
> SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [GEN_RouteInfo_vw] WHERE plancode =
> @.plancode and RouteCode=@.RouteCode and CountryId=@.CountryId and
> startdate <= IsNull(cast(@.DateFilter as datetime),cast('1/1/2999' as
> datetime))and enddate >= IsNull(cast(@.DateFilter as
> datetime),cast('1/1/1999' as datetime)) order by StartDate" >
> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DateFilter" Name="DateFilter"
> PropertyName="Text" Type="Datetime" />

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